Mountain View School District is going "green" with our flyer distribution beginning in 2023-20. Click the image below to view more information about Peachjar.
Click on the image below to view flyers sent out by Grace Yokley Jr. High
For more details on the current yearbook, 8th grade ads, and how to contribute YOUR pictures to the book, click on the link below.
Additional Yearbook Information
First Lunch (4th Period) Regular Schedule
Warning Bell -- 7:45 - 7:50
Period 1 -- 7:50 - 8:50
Period 2 -- 8:54 - 9:52
Period 3 -- 9:56 - 10:54
Period 4 Lunch -- 10:54 - 11:24
Period 7 -- 1:32 - 2:30
(4 minute passing period)
Second Lunch (5th Period Regular Schedule
Warning Bell -- 7:45 - 7:50
Period 1 -- 7:50 - 8:50
Period 2 -- 8:54 - 9:52
Period 5 Lunch -- 11:56 --12:26
Period 6 -- 12:30 -1:28
Period 7 -- 1:32 - 2:30
(4 minute passing period)
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Warning Bell -- 7:45 - 7:50
Period 1 -- 7:50 – 8:38
Period 2 Homeroom -- 8:42 – 8:54
Period 2 -- 8:54 - 9:40
Period 3 -- 9:44 – 10:30
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Period 5 -- 11:04 – 11:50
Period 7 -- 12:44 - 1:30
Wednesday Modified Day - 5th Period Lunch Schedule
Period 1 -- 7:50 – 8:38
Period 2 Homeroom -- 8:42 – 8:54
Period 2 -- 8:54 - 9:40
Period 3 -- 9:44 – 10:30
Period 4 -- 10:34 – 11:20
Period 5 Lunch -- 11:20 – 11:50
Period 6 -- 11:54 – 12:40
Period 7 -- 12:44 - 1:30
Minimum Day
Warning Bell -- 7:45 - 7:50
Period 1 -- 7:50 – 8:19
Period 2 -- 8:23 – 8:49
Period 3 -- 8:53 – 9:19
Period 4/5 -- 9:23 – 9:49
Period 6 -- 9:53 – 10:19
Period 7 -- 10:23 – 10:50
If you are NEW to the district and need to register your child for 手机如何看youtube for the 2023-21 school year at Grace Yokley School, please click on the link below to fill out our Pre-Registration Form. By completing this form online, our registrar will be notified of your submission and will contact you to make an appointment to bring in your completed registration packet, along with supporting documentation, once our school offices are allowed to re-open. This may not occur until later in May or June.
If you have any questions, please contact Grace Yokley's registrar, Rosa Garcia, via email at:
Grace Yokley's Pre-Registration Form for 2023-21 School Year
- Contact the Resource and Referral (R&R) Statewide Education hotline at (800) 543-7793 or go to their website at for childcare referrals.
- The Riverside Regional Community Care Licensing (CCL) office serves San Bernardino County. They may have a list of facilities and/or providers that can serve children at this time.
Riverside Regional Community Care Licensing Office
3737 Main Street
Riverside, CA 92501
(909) 782-4200
- There are numerous childcare providers in the area. A simple Google search (or other search engine) will provide contact information. The district cannot endorse any providers. Please thoroughly research providers prior to placement.
- If you wish to reach YMCA Childcare, which is located on our campus, you may contact them via fax or their website at
Ontario-Montclair YMCA
10970 Arrow Rte
Suite 106
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GYS Calendar 2023-2023
Our teachers and administrators are proud to announce that Project Wisdom is now a part of our school day! To learn more, click the link below.
Project Wisdom Information
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at GYS. Mountain View School District volunteer requirements are designed to increase security and safety on our campus.
Click here for Volunteer Requirements
Click here for Volunteer Handbook
The Mountain View School District has worked to develop specific math transition plans for students entering and exiting Grace Yokley Middle School. These plans specifically outline how math placement is identified for students entering GYS in 6th grade and how math placement will be determined for our exiting 8th grade students who will become freshman in the Chaffey Joint Union High School District. You can view and download these plans by clicking on the links below.
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Math Transition Plan - 8th to 9th Grade (Spanish)
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Period 1: 7:50am-8:25am
Period 2: 8:30am-9:05am
Period 3: 9:10am-9:45am
Period 4/5: 9:50am-10:25am
Break: 10:25am-10:35am
Period 7: 11:15am-11:50am
Lunch: 11:50am-12:20pm
*Support: 12:25pm-2:30pm
*Students will continue to work on assignments from instructions provided in the morning, including i-Ready. Support is available for EL, Special Education/Related Services, Tutoring, and Assignment Assistance.
Teacher support will be available between 2:00pm-2:30pm Monday-Friday.
Information regarding the opening of school for the 2023-2021 school year can be found on the District Website.
District Website
Please see the attached flyer from WEST END YMCA for information on before and after school child care for the 2023-2021 school year.
West End YMCA Child Care
Colony registration continues on line for our 8th graders. Please click on the links below for forms:
8th Grade Course Request Packet
8th Grade GATE Application
On April 8, 2023, the Mountain View School District Board of Trustees took action to approve the district's strategic plan for 2023. This strategic plan is designed to build upon our successes, realign the district to meet our growing needs and invest in the infrastructure of our district.
2023 Strategic Plan
Need a little extra help with schoolwork? Then take advantage of Homework Club!
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Multi-Purpose Room
Session I: 8/24/20 - 12/10/20
Session II: 1/11/21 - 5/16/21
(Homework Club does NOT meet on minimum dismissal days)
To view and download the MVSD Calendar, please click on the year below:
2023-2021 MVSD Calendar
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I-Ready Parent Guide English
I-Ready Parent Guide Spanish
Questions or issues using and logging into I-Ready may be emailed to Skip Elder, Coordinator of Academic Support Programs, at
Click HERE for School Brochure
Grace Yokley Middle School was established in 1982, and is 2nd school in the Mountain View School District. Our school is named after a former district secretary, Grace Yokley, in recognition of her many years of devoted service to education and to the people of our community.
GYS has a strong commitment to the success of all its students and these characteristics are clearly demonstrated by the many dedicated parents, students and staff who make up the Grace Yokley family.
Our mission is to bridge tomorrow's needs through today's minds. We believe that every child controls his/her destiny through self-actualizing goals and behaviors. We strive to create an equal and appropriate learning environment through caring and consistency, while providing challenging, evolving, dynamic curriculum and modes of instruction.